49.235 Epinotia nemorivaga (Bearberry Tortrix)
ws: 10-12mm (BTM), fw 4.5-5.5mm (Sterling & Parsons); Jun-Jul; bearberry (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi); NS-A Scottish highlands
ID: Labial palps and head grey-brown; forewing with variable but fairly discrete dark fuscous and white markings; the dark fuscous markings irrorate yellow-brown; distal margin of fuscous subbasal fascia sharply angulate in middle; white medio-dorsal blotch extended to costa; fuscous median fascia narrowest on costa, oblique and broadening towards tornus; partial fuscous subterminal fascia; distinct fuscous apical spot bounded dorsally by a distinct white dash in the termen and cilia; a few black ocellar spots and streaks. Somewhat similar to E.tedella which has whitish head and labial palps and much less distinct white markings.
§1 Meal nan Ceaparean, Ross & Cromarty at ~550m; 24/06/2022; female; fw 6.0mm; netted by day
§2 Meal nan Ceaparean, Ross & Cromarty at ~550m; 24/06/2022; female; fw 5.5mm; netted by day
All images © Chris Lewis
§2 Meal nan Ceaparean, Ross & Cromarty at ~550m; 24/06/2022; female; fw 5.5mm; netted by day
All images © Chris Lewis
Page published 01/07/2022 (§1) - §2 and dissection images added 15/10/2022