Small (ws 6-11mm)
Head: vertex rough-haired with forward projecting scales; frons smooth-scaled
Antenna almost as long as forewing, finely ciliate in male, simple in female, scape dilated with scales.
Proboscis short, hardly coiled according to MBGBI1, however Emmetia marginea appears to have a well-coiled scaled proboscis
Maxillary palps rudimentary
Labial palps short, filiform, drooping according to MBGBI1, however those of Emmetia marginea appear to be ascending.
Forewing lanceolate, veins 3 and 6 absent. Hindwing narrow lanceolate, only veins 1b,7&8 present; cilia long
Posterior tibiae hairy
Female with single genital opening.
Rests with forepart raised and apices of wings pressed against surface.
Head: vertex rough-haired with forward projecting scales; frons smooth-scaled
Antenna almost as long as forewing, finely ciliate in male, simple in female, scape dilated with scales.
Proboscis short, hardly coiled according to MBGBI1, however Emmetia marginea appears to have a well-coiled scaled proboscis
Maxillary palps rudimentary
Labial palps short, filiform, drooping according to MBGBI1, however those of Emmetia marginea appear to be ascending.
Forewing lanceolate, veins 3 and 6 absent. Hindwing narrow lanceolate, only veins 1b,7&8 present; cilia long
Posterior tibiae hairy
Female with single genital opening.
Rests with forepart raised and apices of wings pressed against surface.
Tischeria (2S)
Coptotriche (4S (1EX))
003 Coptotriche marginea
(Bramble Blotch-miner) |
004 Coptotriche heinemanni
(Scarce Bramble Blotch-miner) ws 8.5-9.5mm; lfp Bramble (Rubus spp). New to UK since publication of MBGBI1. The very limited number of web images available suggest it looks similar to other species in the family but has fuscous-brown colour. |
Key to species
Forewing yellow |
Crown and antennae leaden metallic |
Crown and antennae yellow |
ws8-11mm; hw cilia colour as hw |
ws6-7mm: hw cilia paler than hw |
Tischeria dodonaea |
Forewing bronzy-fuscous |
Antenna with apical 1/3 whitish |
Antenna entirely bronzy-fuscous |
Coptotriche gaunacella |
C.heinemanni is a recent addition to the British list. It has a bronzy fuscous fw and ws 8.5-9.5mm on bramble but I can find no further information.