59.019 Speyeria aglaja (Dark Green Fritillary)
ws: 58-68mm; Jun-Aug; common dog-violet, hairy/marsh violet (Viola riviniana/hirta/palustris); local especially on chalk downland throughout GB.
Synonym: Argynnis (Mesoacidalia) aglaja
Synonym: Argynnis (Mesoacidalia) aglaja
ID: Size and upperside similar to the other two large British fritillaries A.paphia (Silver-washed Fritillary) and A.adippe (High Brown Fritillary). A.paphia has a green hindwing underside crossed by silvery bands and lacking the white spots shown by A.aglaja and A.adippe. A.adippe has a post-median row of red eye-spots on the hindwing underside not shown by A.aglaja. The ground colour of the hindwing underside is greenish in A.aglaja and more orange in A.adippe.
§1 Winterton, Norfolk; 22/07/2008; female
§2 Arnside, Cumbria; 24/06/2011
§3 Arnside, Cumbria; 24/06/2011; male
§4 Cairngorms; 12/07/2011
All images © Chris Lewis
§2 Arnside, Cumbria; 24/06/2011
§3 Arnside, Cumbria; 24/06/2011; male
§4 Cairngorms; 12/07/2011
All images © Chris Lewis
Page published 25/05/2014 (§1-4) | Change of genus May 2022