GELECHIIDAE | Gelechiinae | Gnorimoschemini
35.113 Scrobipalpa salicorniae (Glasswort Moth)
ws:11-15mm; Jun-Sep; glassworts (Salicornia spp); NS-A in saltmarsh of S&E England from Cornwall to Lincolnshire, but also scattered in other parts of GB including parts of Scotland*.
Synonym: S.salinella (MBGBI3)
* §4 Obtained at Orlestone Forest. MBGBI4.2 comments "occasionally found inland"; Gelechiid Recording Scheme comments "may occasionally disperse inland a short distance possibly in response to hot weather conditions and higher population levels"
Synonym: S.salinella (MBGBI3)
* §4 Obtained at Orlestone Forest. MBGBI4.2 comments "occasionally found inland"; Gelechiid Recording Scheme comments "may occasionally disperse inland a short distance possibly in response to hot weather conditions and higher population levels"
ID: Not reliably identifiable without genital dissection.
Male: Coremata present; posterior margin of uncus rounded; saccus not distinctly exceeding pedunculus (possible that the pedunculus exceeds the saccus in this species while in the other two remaining species (S.samadensis/S.artemisiella) the saccus is level with or slightly exceeds the pedunculus); apical arc narrow; with a long straight section; posterior process of vinculum distinctly shorter than sacculus.
Male: Coremata present; posterior margin of uncus rounded; saccus not distinctly exceeding pedunculus (possible that the pedunculus exceeds the saccus in this species while in the other two remaining species (S.samadensis/S.artemisiella) the saccus is level with or slightly exceeds the pedunculus); apical arc narrow; with a long straight section; posterior process of vinculum distinctly shorter than sacculus.
§1 Ardnamurchan, Highlands; 08/07/2012; male; fw 5.6mm
§2 Snettisham, Norfolk; 12/06/2014; male; fw 7.0mm
§3 Foulness, Essex; 24/08/2019; male; fw 5.7mm
§4 Orlestone Forest, Kent; 12/08/2020; male; fw 6.3mm
§5 Foulness, Essex; 11/09/2021; male; fw 6.0mm
§6 Foulness, Essex; 19/07/2024; female
All images © Chris Lewis
§2 Snettisham, Norfolk; 12/06/2014; male; fw 7.0mm
§3 Foulness, Essex; 24/08/2019; male; fw 5.7mm
§4 Orlestone Forest, Kent; 12/08/2020; male; fw 6.3mm
§5 Foulness, Essex; 11/09/2021; male; fw 6.0mm
§6 Foulness, Essex; 19/07/2024; female
All images © Chris Lewis
Page published 05/12/2012 (§1) | Species changed from salinella 11/03/2014 | §2 added 26/12/2014 | §3 added 09/09/2019 | §4 added Jan 2021|
§5 added 26/12/2021 | §6 added 10/11/2024
§5 added 26/12/2021 | §6 added 10/11/2024