72.038 Cybosia mesomella (Four-dotted Footman)
fw: 13-16mm; Jun-Aug; algae & lichens on heather and sallows; local on heath, moor, fen and damp grassland throughout GB.
ID: Forewings with two small black spots, one near the mid-point of the costa, the other near the mid-point of the dorsum. Typically the forewing is whitish with a yellowish costa and termen. Form flava, with a yellow forewing, is fairly common especially in SE.England.
Male genitalia
§1 form flava; Foulness, Essex; 11/07/2010; male; fw 15.0mm
§2 form mesomella; Snettisham, Norfolk; 06/07/2013; male; fw 15.4mm
§3 form mesomella; Arne, Dorset; 05/07/2016; male; to light
§4 form mesomella: Foulden Common, Norfolk; 29/06/2017; male
§5 form flava: Foulden Common, Norfolk; 29/06/2017; male; fw 14.5
All images © Chris Lewis
§2 form mesomella; Snettisham, Norfolk; 06/07/2013; male; fw 15.4mm
§3 form mesomella; Arne, Dorset; 05/07/2016; male; to light
§4 form mesomella: Foulden Common, Norfolk; 29/06/2017; male
§5 form flava: Foulden Common, Norfolk; 29/06/2017; male; fw 14.5
All images © Chris Lewis
Page published 14/3/2015 (§1-2) | §3 added 29/09/2016 | §4&5 added 08/04/2018