GELECHIIDAE | Gelechiinae | Gnorimoschemini
35.127 Tuta absoluta (Tomato Leaf-miner)
fw: 4.3-4.6mm (personal observation); South American species inadvertently introduced with tomatoes. A pest of tomato crops. First found in UK in 2009, becoming widespread in England.
ID: Very similar in external appearance to Scrobipalpa species especially S.ocellatella which is larger and S.nitentella which is larger (but size may overlap?) and is confined to saltmarsh habitats. Possibly the combination of small size (fw<5mm), dark ground colour, pale-ringed dark stigmata and a pale angulate subterminal line are sufficient to identify. This species does not feature in MBGBI. Identification of §1 was based on realisation that the male genitalia do not fit the key to Gelechiid genera given in MBGBI4.2 and then comparison of male genitalia with the image of this species at the Moth Dissection and then of the adult with the image at the uk moths website. I have incorporated it into the male genital key on the form of the valvae - the basal half is tubular, well-sclerotised and without bristles, the apical half appears as an appendage of the basal half, flat, poorly sclerotised and with bristles. The long, broad saccus also appears to be a good identification feature.
§1 St Marys, Isles of Scilly; 30/09/2011; male; fw 4.6mm
§2 St Marys, Isles of Scilly; 15/10/2018; male; fw 4.3mm; to light
§3 Dagenham, Essex; 25/08/2022; male; fw 4.6mm; specimen provided by BIll Crooks
§4 Foulness, Essex; 06/08/2022; male; fw 4.7mm
All images © Chris Lewis
§2 St Marys, Isles of Scilly; 15/10/2018; male; fw 4.3mm; to light
§3 Dagenham, Essex; 25/08/2022; male; fw 4.6mm; specimen provided by BIll Crooks
§4 Foulness, Essex; 06/08/2022; male; fw 4.7mm
All images © Chris Lewis
Page published 01/11/11 (§1) | §2 added 06/12/2018 | §3 added 18/10/2022 | text amended 25/11/2022 | §4 added 23/12/2022