Subfamily: Hypeninae (1G 5S+1)
This subfamily formerly included the species now placed in subfamilies Herminiinae and Hypenodinae (MBGBI10)
Antenna slightly ciliate in male, simple in female; labial palps very long, porrect, S3 ascending
Subgenus: Hypena (5S+1)
Eyes naked
H.obsitalis & H.rostralis have an erect scale tuft in the oval mark; postmedian line angled in H.obsitalis, straight or undulate in H.rostralis
H.proboscidalis & H.obesalis lack the scale tuft; postmedian line entire and almost straight in H.proboscidalis, broken & dentate in H.obesalis
Eyes naked
H.obsitalis & H.rostralis have an erect scale tuft in the oval mark; postmedian line angled in H.obsitalis, straight or undulate in H.rostralis
H.proboscidalis & H.obesalis lack the scale tuft; postmedian line entire and almost straight in H.proboscidalis, broken & dentate in H.obesalis
Subgenus: Bomolocha
Eyes cliate
Eyes cliate