Subfamily: Gelechiinae (3T 27G[1EX] 79S[4EX])
Tribe: Gelechiini
083 Xystophora pulveratella
(Highland Groundling) ws: 10-11mm; May-Jun; bird's-foot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus), bitter-vetch (Lathyrus linifolius); RDB - Scottish highlands |
Athrips (3S)
Neofriseria (2S)
Prolita (2S)
Mirificarma (2S)
Chionodes (2S)
Gelechia (10S)
103 Gelechia cuneatella
(Willow Spinner) ws: 13-16mm; sallows (Salix spp); pRDB - riverbanks and marshes. Formerly in SE England and E.Yorkshire, was considered extinct in GB, but recent records from Midlands, NW England and Warwickshire |
104 Gelechia hippophaella
(Seathorn Spinner) ws: 15-18mm; Aug-Sep; sea-buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides); pRDB, very rare and local on coastal sandhills at Camber, Folkestone, Deal, Sandwich, Hemsby, Holme, Gibralter Point, Saltfleetby, Spurn |
105 Gelechia nigra
(Black Gelechia) ws: 13-18mm; Jun-Jul; aspen (Populus tremula), grey poplar (P.canescens); NS-A local in aspen woods and river banks in England |
106 Gelechia turpella
(Poplar Gelechia) ws: 17-20mm; Jul; black poplar (Populus nigra); RDB Bexley, Kent only |
Tribe: Gnorimoschemini
108 Gnorimoschema streliciella
(Granish Miner) Extinct in GB, last recorded 1909, only known from reidentified museum specimens, only known from Aviemore |
Scrobipalpa (15S[1EX])
109 Scrobipalpa acuminatella
(Common Thistle Miner) |
110 Scrobipalpa pauperella
(Pauper) Chippenham Fen 1972-73. Was considered extinct, but Moth Dissection has an image from Buckinghamshire 2013 |
111 Scrobipalpa murinella
(Everlasting Miner) ws: 9-10mm Apr-Jun; mountain everlasting (Antennaria dioica); pRDB, Rum, Coll, Braemar area |
121 Scrobipalpa stangei
(Arrowgrass Miner) Extinct in GB. Last recorded in 19th Century and then only as a result of re-identification of museum specimens |
122 Scrobipalpa clintoni
(Atlantic Dock Moth) ws: 13-15mm; Apr-Jun; curled dock (Rumex crispus); NS-A on shingle and sandy beaches in W.Scotland |
123 Scrobipalpa costella
(Bittersweet Moth) |
124 Scrobipalpula diffluella
(Fleabane Miner) Only known from 3 misidentified museum specimens and assignation to this species is uncertain - assume extinct |
125 Scrobipalpula tussilaginis
(Colt's-foot Miner) ws: 13-14mm; bivoltine Jun-Jul, Aug-Sep; colt's-foot (Tussilago farfara); pRDB, near shore Devon, Dorset, Hampshire |
126 Phthorimaea operculella
(Potato Tuber Moth) ws: 14-15mm; Jun,Jul,Sep; potato (Solanum tuberosum) and other Solanaceae; accidental import with potatoes, possible migrant |
Caryocolum (13S[1EX])
134 Caryocolum blandelloides
(Northern Barred Groundling) ws: 10-12; Jul-Aug; common mouse-ear (Cerastium fontanum); pRDB - sand dunes in East Sutherland and Easter Ross |
135 Caryolcolum proxima
(Meadow Groundling) ws: 9-11.5mm; Jun-Aug; common mouse-ear (Cerastium fontanum), chickweed (Stellaria media); RDB - open grassland in England |
136 Caryocolum blandulella
(Southern Barred Groundling) ws: 8.5-11; Jul-Aug; little mouse-ear (Cerastium semidecandrum); pRDB - sand dunes at Sandwich, Kent only |
140 Caryocolum kroesmanniella
(Scarce Groundling) ws: 12-15mm; Jul-Sep; greater/bog stitchwort (Stellaria holostea/uliginosa); RDB - open woodland in England |
Tribe: Litini
Teleiodes (4S)
144 Teleiodes flavimaculella
(Orange-marked) ws: 10-12mm; Jun; rare migrant with ?3 British records 1935, 1995, 2011 - Kent, W.Sussex & Wiltshire |
Carpatolechia (5S)
Pseudotelphusa (2S)
Recurvaria (2S)
158 Coleotechnites piceaella
(Orange Spruce Needle-miner) ws: 10-12mm; Jul; Norway spruce (Picea abies) and Sitka Spruce; RDB - N.American introduction locally established in SE.England |
159 Exotelia dodecella
(Tufted Pine Moth) |
160 Stenolechia gemmella
(Black V Bud Moth) |