63.021 Anania terrealis (Goldenrod Pearl)
ws: 24-28mm (Goater), fw: 12-13mm (Sterling & Parsons); Jun-Jul; goldenrod (Solidago virgaurea); NS-A - rocky W coasts and hillsides from Devon to NW Scotland
ID: Dark grey-brown with obscure markings; a smoothly curved dark postmedian line and a hint of a discal spot are discernable; possibly the clearest marking is the darker blackish-brown terminal line and base of the terminal ciliary fringe. Most similar to A.fuscalis which is paler, has a dentate postmedian line and although the terminal line is a shade darker it is not blackish and the base of its ciliary fringe is pale.
§1 Kishorn, Ross & Cromarty; 23/06/2022; female; fw 12.6mm; to light
All images © Chris Lewis
All images © Chris Lewis
Page published 01/07/2022 (§1), dissection images added 08/10/2022