49.231 Epinotia brunnichana (Large Birch Roller)
ws: 18-22mm; Jul-Aug; birch (Betula spp), hazel (Corylus avellana), willows (Salix spp); common throughout GB
Synonym: Astatia sinuana (Pierce & Metcalfe)
Synonym: Astatia sinuana (Pierce & Metcalfe)
ID: See Epinotia for more detail on separation of E.brunnichana and E.solandriana
Polymorphic. In the common forms brunneana and albodorsana - general colour greyish-ochreous to pinkish-brown; distal margin of subbasal fascia strongly angled (pointing distally), dorsal portion of subbasal fascia strengthened with black from the angle to the dorsum; median fascia strongly oblique, narrow at costa, broader medially and confluent with pre-tornal marking. Form albodorsana differs from form brunneana in having a conspicuous white dorsal blotch bounded by the median and subbasal fasciae. The nominate form (brunnichana) is rare in Britain; the basic pattern is the same but it has a whiter ground colour with grey markings and strigulae. Form brunneodorsana is also rare; it has a diffuse semiovate black dorsal blotch from subbasal fascia to tornus. In separating fasciate forms of E.solandriana from similar forms of E.brunnichana, both MBGBI5.2 and BTM mention that the the dorsal blotch is triangular in E.solandriana and subquadrate or trapezoid in E.brunnichana.
Male genitalia: Follow link above
Female genitalia: Follow link above
Polymorphic. In the common forms brunneana and albodorsana - general colour greyish-ochreous to pinkish-brown; distal margin of subbasal fascia strongly angled (pointing distally), dorsal portion of subbasal fascia strengthened with black from the angle to the dorsum; median fascia strongly oblique, narrow at costa, broader medially and confluent with pre-tornal marking. Form albodorsana differs from form brunneana in having a conspicuous white dorsal blotch bounded by the median and subbasal fasciae. The nominate form (brunnichana) is rare in Britain; the basic pattern is the same but it has a whiter ground colour with grey markings and strigulae. Form brunneodorsana is also rare; it has a diffuse semiovate black dorsal blotch from subbasal fascia to tornus. In separating fasciate forms of E.solandriana from similar forms of E.brunnichana, both MBGBI5.2 and BTM mention that the the dorsal blotch is triangular in E.solandriana and subquadrate or trapezoid in E.brunnichana.
Male genitalia: Follow link above
Female genitalia: Follow link above
§1 Warton Crag, Lancashire; 25/07/2013; male; form brunneana; fw 9.2mm - removed (mis-identification)
§2 Foulden Common, Norfolk; 14/08/2016; male; form albodorsana (but very worn) - removed (mis-identification)
§3 Seathwaite, Cumbria; 22/07/2016; male; form albodorsana; fw 8.8mm
§4 Seathwaite, Cumbria; 27/07/2016; male; form brunneodorsana; fw 10.0mm
§5 Foulden Common, Norfolk; 29/06/2017; male; fw 9.6mm; form brunneana - removed (mis-identification)
§6 Muir of Dinnet, Aberdeenshire; 22/09/2019; female; fw 8.1mm
§7 Blake's Wood, Essex; 08/07/2023; male; fw 9.8mm
All images © Chris Lewis
§2 Foulden Common, Norfolk; 14/08/2016; male; form albodorsana (but very worn) - removed (mis-identification)
§3 Seathwaite, Cumbria; 22/07/2016; male; form albodorsana; fw 8.8mm
§4 Seathwaite, Cumbria; 27/07/2016; male; form brunneodorsana; fw 10.0mm
§5 Foulden Common, Norfolk; 29/06/2017; male; fw 9.6mm; form brunneana - removed (mis-identification)
§6 Muir of Dinnet, Aberdeenshire; 22/09/2019; female; fw 8.1mm
§7 Blake's Wood, Essex; 08/07/2023; male; fw 9.8mm
All images © Chris Lewis
Page published 06/12/2013 (§1) | §2 added 17/04/2017 | §3&4 added 02/07/2017 | §5 added 07/10/2017 | §6 added 18/12/2019 |
§7 added and §2&5 removed 18/07/2023 | §1 removed and text amended 14/08/2024
§7 added and §2&5 removed 18/07/2023 | §1 removed and text amended 14/08/2024