49.325 Cydia ulicetana (Common Gorse Moth)
ws: 12-16mm; bivoltine in south May, Jul-Sep, univoltine in Scotland May-Jul; gorse (Ulex spp), petty whin (Genista anglica), broom (Cytisus); common on heath and moor throughout GB.
Synonym: Cydia succedana (BTM, Pierce & Metcalfe)
Synonym: Cydia succedana (BTM, Pierce & Metcalfe)
ID: varies in colour and clarity of forewing markings. Similar to C.splendana (ws 14-22mm) but usually smaller with a less well-developed ocellus.
Male genitalia: readily identified from the deep emargination of the ventral border of the valva and branched apex of the aedeagus.
Female genitalia: characteristically shaped sclerotised plates around ostium; ring of small spicules in ductus bursae just posterior to junction with bursa copulatrix.
Male genitalia: readily identified from the deep emargination of the ventral border of the valva and branched apex of the aedeagus.
Female genitalia: characteristically shaped sclerotised plates around ostium; ring of small spicules in ductus bursae just posterior to junction with bursa copulatrix.
§1 Minsmere, Suffolk; 16/05/2007; fw 6.7mm
§2 Newborough Forest, Anglesey; 29/07/2007 §3 Blean Woods, Kent; 22/04/2011; female; fw 5.7mm §4 Horsey, Norfolk; 29/04/2011; male; fw 6.3mm §5 Newgale, Pembrokeshire; 17/05/2011 §6 Mull; 25/06/2011; male; fw 5.9mm §7 Ardnamurchan, Highland; male; 10/07/2012 §8 Lands End, Cornwall; 07/06/2013; female §9 Thursley Common, Surrey; 18/05/2014; male; fw 6.8mm All images © Chris Lewis |
§10 Conwy Mountain, Caernarvonshire; 19/07/2015; female; fw 6.7mm
§11 Foulden Common, Norfolk; 23/05/2016; male; fw 5.5mm §12 Bampton Grange, Cumbria; 09/06/2017; female; fw 6.2mm §13 Bampton Grange, Cumbria; 12/06/2017 §14 ??; 2020; female §15 ??, Devon; 29/07/2021; female; fw 6.2mm §16 St Mary's, Isles of Scilly; 20/08/2022 §17 Knipe Moor, Cumbria; 17/05/2022; netted by day |
Page published 06/02/2013 (§1-7) | §8 added 27/06/2013 | §8 added and text amended 18/11/2013 | §9 added 25/05/2014 |
§10 added 09/04/2016 | §11 added 10/02/2017 | §12&13 added 18/03/2018 | §14 added 07/04/2021 | §15 added 20/08/2021 |
§16 added 02/12/2022 | §17 added 07/12/2022
§10 added 09/04/2016 | §11 added 10/02/2017 | §12&13 added 18/03/2018 | §14 added 07/04/2021 | §15 added 20/08/2021 |
§16 added 02/12/2022 | §17 added 07/12/2022