73.359 Xestia c-nigrum (Setaceous Hebrew Character)
fw: 14-19mm (Waring & Townsend), ws: 35-45mm (MBGBI9); bivoltine in south May-Jul, Aug-Oct, univoltine in north Jul-Aug; various herbaceous plants; common throughout GB.
ID: Forewing ground colour ranges from pale grey-brown to dark grey; a broad black streak extends from the pale antemedian line to the pale-outlined proximal border of the kidney mark; a triangular straw-coloured wedge cuts into this black streak; this wedge has its long side towards the costa where it often merges with a broad pale costal streak running between the antemedian and postmedian lines; a short black bar runs from the costa along the proximal border of the subterminal line; hindwing whitish with a greyish border.
§1 Foulness, Essex; 05/05/2007; fw 17.0mm
§2 Foulness, Essex; 22/08/2009; female; fw 18.2mm
§3 Compton Bishop, Somerset; 27/08/2014; male; fw 14.8mm
§4 Foulness, Essex; 30/08/2014; fw 14.8mm
§5 Foulness, Essex; 08/09/2018; female; fw16.3mm
§6 St Marys, Isles of Scilly; 28/09/2020; male; fw 15.3mm
§7 St Marys, Isles of Scilly; 28/09/2020; male; fw 15.6mm
All images © Chris Lewis
§2 Foulness, Essex; 22/08/2009; female; fw 18.2mm
§3 Compton Bishop, Somerset; 27/08/2014; male; fw 14.8mm
§4 Foulness, Essex; 30/08/2014; fw 14.8mm
§5 Foulness, Essex; 08/09/2018; female; fw16.3mm
§6 St Marys, Isles of Scilly; 28/09/2020; male; fw 15.3mm
§7 St Marys, Isles of Scilly; 28/09/2020; male; fw 15.6mm
All images © Chris Lewis
Page published 17/03/2017 (§1-4) | §5 added 19/02/2019 | §6&7 added 19/12/2020