73.045 Acronicta (Viminia) rumicis (Knot-grass)
fw: 16-20mm; bivoltine in the south May-Jun, Aug-Sep, univoltine from the midlands north May-Jul; various herbaceous and woody plants; common throughout GB.
ID: Has a distinctive white mark on the dorsum level with the kidney mark; many specimens also show a broken subterminal white line – not present in any other Acronictine.
Male genitalia
Female genitalia
§1 Foulness, Essex; 22/07/2007; fw 18.4mm
§2 Foulness, Essex; 12/08/2007; fw 18.3mm §3 Foulness, Essex; 22/07/2008; fw 19.2mm §4 Surlingham, Norfolk; 24/07/2009; female; fw 19.7mm §5 Surlingham, Norfolk; 24/07/2009; male §6 Cyffdy farm, Gwynedd; 22/06/2010; male; fw 18.1mm §7 Galmpton, Devon; 25/07/2010 §8 Galmpton, Devon; 27/07/2010; fw 17.4mm §9 Strumpshaw Fen, Norfolk; 29/04/2011; fw 17.7mm §10 Foulness, Essex; 13/05/2012; female §11 Foulness, Essex; 13/05/2017; female; fw 16.4mm §12 Mull; 21/06/2018; male; fw 15.8mm All images © Chris Lewis |
Larva §1 St Marys, Isles of Scilly; 23/10/2007
Larva §2 Roybridge, Argyll; 31/07/2013 |
Page published 04/04/2015 (§1-10, L§1-2) | §11 added 03/04/2018 |§12 added 21/04/2019