GELECHIIDAE | Gelechiinae | Gnorimoschemini
35.109 Scrobipalpa acuminatella (Common Thistle Miner)
ws: 10-14mm; bivoltine Apr-Jun, Jul-Sep; thistles (Carduus spp, Cirsium spp); common throughout GB
ID: The key in MBGBI4.2 suggests this species on basis of size, relative uniformity of forewing and obscuration of the stigmata but genital examination is required for confident identification.
Male genitalia: The only British Scrobipalpa species in which the posterior process of the vinculum is not continuous with the median emargination of the vinculum. Keyed as: coremata absent; posterior margin of uncus rounded; posterior process of vinculum small and remote from median emargination.
Female genitalia: CB not clearly demarcated; segment 8 without honeycomb pattern. (Recognition of honeycomb pattern may require higher power microscopy than I have available - but see S.ocellatella).
Male genitalia: The only British Scrobipalpa species in which the posterior process of the vinculum is not continuous with the median emargination of the vinculum. Keyed as: coremata absent; posterior margin of uncus rounded; posterior process of vinculum small and remote from median emargination.
Female genitalia: CB not clearly demarcated; segment 8 without honeycomb pattern. (Recognition of honeycomb pattern may require higher power microscopy than I have available - but see S.ocellatella).
§1 Foulness, Essex; 08/05/2011; male
§2 Foulness, Essex; 01/06/2008; male §3 Foulness, Essex; 17/05/2009; male; fw 6.6mm §4 Foulness, Essex; 08/05/2011; male §5 Foulness, Essex; 14/08/2011; male §6 Foulness, Essex; 28/08/2011; male §7 Foulness, Essex; 28/08/2011; male §8 Foulness, Essex; 28/08/2011; male §9 Foulness, Essex; 28/08/2011; male All images © Chris Lewis |
§10 Foulness, Essex; 28/08/2011; female
§11 Foulness, Essex; 12/04/2014; male; fw 7.5mm §12 Foulness, Essex; 015/08/2008; male §13 Strumpshaw Fen, Norfolk; 14/05/2015; male; fw 6.1mm §14 Foulness, Essex; 28/07/2018; female; fw 4.9mm §15 Orelstone Forest, Kent; 11/07/2018; male; fw 6.2mm §16 Foulness, Essex; 18/05/2019; male; fw 6.1mm §17 Foulness, Essex; 09/05/2020; male; fw 5.6mm §18 Foulness, Essex; 09/05/2020; male; fw 6.1mm §19 Covert Woods, Kent; 09/05/2022; male; fw 6.1mm §20 Stour Wood, Essex; 26/05/2022; male; fw 5.5mm |
Page published November 2011 | §11 added 08/05/2014 } §12 added 24/08/2015 | §13 added 01/04/2016 | §14 added 25/04/2019 |
§15 added 21/05/2019 | §16 added 07/01/2020 | §17&18 added 18/05/2020 | §19 added 21/08/2022 | §20 added 08/12/2022
§15 added 21/05/2019 | §16 added 07/01/2020 | §17&18 added 18/05/2020 | §19 added 21/08/2022 | §20 added 08/12/2022