65.002 Watsonalla binaria (Oak Hook-tip)
fw: 13-18mm; bivoltine May-Jun, Jul-Sep; pedunculate/sessile oak (Quercus robur/petraea); common, mainly in oak woodlands, in England, Wales and S.Scotland.
ID: Orange-brown, two pale cross-lines on forewing; two prominent dark central spots on forewing, rests with wings flat. Male antenna bipectinate, female antenna simple. Females larger than males and have a paler orange hindwing. W.cultraria (Barred Hook-tip) has a more contrasting median fascia between the pale cross-lines of the forewing and only one relatively indistinct brown central spot. W.binaria also has two central hindwing spots which are lacking in W.cultraria.
§1 Eskdale, Cumbria; 20/08/2007; female
§2 Westcliff-on-sea, Essex; 20/07/2010; fw 15.0mm; female
§3 Ham Fen, Kent; 10/08/2010; female
§4 Foulness, Essex; 16/09/2012; male
§5 New Forest, Hampshire; 06/06/2012; male (antenna only)
§6 Belfairs Woods, Essex; 08/05/2015; female; fw 17.1mm; to light
§7 Westcliff-on-sea, Essex; 05/09/2016; male
§8 Foulness, Essex; 25/05/2019; female; fw 15.0mm
All images © Chris Lewis
§2 Westcliff-on-sea, Essex; 20/07/2010; fw 15.0mm; female
§3 Ham Fen, Kent; 10/08/2010; female
§4 Foulness, Essex; 16/09/2012; male
§5 New Forest, Hampshire; 06/06/2012; male (antenna only)
§6 Belfairs Woods, Essex; 08/05/2015; female; fw 17.1mm; to light
§7 Westcliff-on-sea, Essex; 05/09/2016; male
§8 Foulness, Essex; 25/05/2019; female; fw 15.0mm
All images © Chris Lewis
Page published 20/09/2014 (§1-5) | §6 added 15/11/2015 | §7 added 20/05/2017 | §8 added 13/02/2020