Subfamily: LITHOCOLLETINAE (2G 56S+2) |
Phyllonorycter (55S)
Vertex with tuft of erect scales, hindtibia without bristles, frons with appressed scales; scape with pecten
Vertex with tuft of erect scales, hindtibia without bristles, frons with appressed scales; scape with pecten
040 Phyllonorycter messaniella
(Ilex Leaf-miner) |
041Phyllonorycter plateni
(Plane Leaf-miner) ws: 9-10.5mm; bivoltine May-Jun, Aug-Sep, (Nov); London plane (Platanus x hispanica); new to UK 1990, now widespread in S.England. |
042 Phyllonorycter muelleriella
(Western Oak Leaf-miner) ws: 7.5-9.0mm; bivoltine May, Aug; deciduous oak (Quercus spp); NS-B ancient oak woodland in Welsh borders & Cumbria |
049 Phyllonorycter spinicolella
(Blackthorn Leaf-miner) |
050 Phyllonorycter cerasicolella
(Cherry Leaf-miner) ws:7-8mm; bivoltine May, Aug; cultivated cherry (Prunus spp), wild cherry (Prunus avium), dwarf cherry (Prunus cerasus); locally common in SE & SC England and SE Wales. |
051 Phyllonorycter lantanella
(Viburnum Leaf-miner) ws:8-9mm; bivoltine May, Aug; wayfaring-tree (Viburnum lantana); locally common in SE&SC.England & SE Wales |
058 Phyllonorycter hilarella
(Large Willow Leaf-miner) |
059 Phyllonorycter cavella
(Large Birch Leaf-miner) ws:7-9mm; Jun-Jul; birch (Betula spp); local in birchwood and heath in England (esp NW), Wales and Scottish highlands |
060 Phyllonorycter ulicicolella
(Gorse Leaf-miner) ws:6-7mm; Jun-Jul; gorse (Ulex europaeus); NS-B local in coastal counties of S&NW England |
067 Phyllonorycter rajella
(Common Alder Leaf-miner) |
068 Phyllonorycter distentella
(Splendid Oak Leaf-miner) ws:8.0-9.5mm; bivoltine May, Aug; deciduous oak (Quercus spp); RDB local and uncommon in oak woodlands of Gloucestershire, Monmouthshire & Herefordshire and Blean Woods, Kent |
069 Phylonorycter anderidae
(Small Birch Leaf-miner) ws:5.5-6.5; bivoltine May, Aug; birch (Betula spp); NS-B local in S&SE.England on heath, N.Wales on moors with birch seedlings |
070 Phyllonorycter quinqueguttella
(Sandhill Leaf-miner) ws:6.0-7.5; bivoltine May, Aug; creeping willow (Salix repens), sandhill creeping willow (Salix arenaria); NS-B local on sand-dunes, marshes and heaths in coastal counties of UK |
071 Phyllonorycter nigrescentella
(Vetch Leaf-miner) ws: 7-9mm; bivoltine Apr-May, Aug-Sep; bush vetch (Vicia sepium); RDB N.England, less common in SE & SW.England |
0715 Phyllonorycter medicaginella
(Medick Leaf-miner) New to Britain. Added to British checklist 2021. |
072 Phyllonorycter insignitella
(Clover Leaf-miner) ws:6.5-8.5mm; bivoltine May, Aug; clover (Trifolium spp), rest harrow (Ononis repens); RDB Inner Hebrides. |
073 Phyllonorycter lautella
(Small Oak Leaf-miner) |
074 Phyllonorycter schreberella
(Shining Elm Leaf-miner) ws:6.5-7.5mm; bivoltine May, Aug; elm (Ulmus pp); locally common in England & Wales. |
075 Phyllonorycter ulmifoliella
(Common Birch Leaf-miner) |
076 Phyllonorycter emberizaepenella
(Honeysuckle Leaf-miner) ws:9-10mm; bivoltine May, Aug; honeysuckle (Lonicera spp), snowberry (Symphoricarpos rivularis); local in all UK. |
077 Phyllonorycter scabiosella
(Scabious Leaf-miner) ws: 6.5-8.5mm; bivoltine May, Aug-Sep; small scabious (Scabiosa columbaria); RDB local in North Downs of Surrey & Kent. |
078 Phyllonorycter tristrigella
(Elm Leaf-miner) ws: 7.5-8.5mm; bivoltine - May, Aug; elm (Ulmus spp); common in England & Wales |
079 Phyllonorycter stettinensis
(Lesser Alder Leaf-miner) |
080 Phyllonorycter froelichiella
(Large Alder Leaf-miner) ws:9-10mm; Jul-Aug; alder (Alnus glutinosa); locally common throughout UK. |
084 Phyllonorycter acerifoliella
(Maple Leaf-miner) ws:8mm; bivoltine May, Aug; field maple (Acer campestre); locally common in England. |
085 Phyllonorycter joannisi
(Norway Maple Leaf-miner) |
086 Phyllonorycter geniculella
(Sycamore Leaf-miner) ws8mm; bivoltine May, Aug; sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus); locally common throughout UK except N.Scotland |
0861 Phyllonorycter apparella
(Vagrant Aspen Leaf-miner) New to Britain August 2015, Fair Isle Aspen |
0862 Phyllonorycter pastorella
(Royal Leaf-miner) |
087 Phyllonorycter comparella
(Poplar Leaf-miner) ws:8mm; bivoltine Aug, Oct; white poplar (Populus alba), grey poplar (Populus canescens); NS-A local and uncommon in England |
088 Phyllonorycter sagitella
(Aspen Leaf-miner) ws:8.5-9.0mm; bivoltine May, Jul-Aug; aspen (Populus tremula); RDB Gloucestershire, Worcestershire. |
Vertex with a tuft of erect scales, hindtibia with bristles (black margin distal to white fasciae)
Vertex with a tuft of erect scales, hindtibia with bristles (black margin distal to white fasciae)
All images © Chris Lewis