73.183 Cirrhia gilvago (Dusky-lemon Sallow)
fw: 15-18mm (Waring & Townsend), ws: 34-40mm (MBGBI10); Aug-Oct; wych elm (Ulmus glabra); local in England, Wales, S.Scotland and E.Scotland north to Aberdeenshire.
Synonym: Xanthia gilvago (MBGBI10, Waring & Townsend)
Synonym: Xanthia gilvago (MBGBI10, Waring & Townsend)
ID: Forewing dull orange-yellow or orange-brown variably banded and clouded with blackish-grey; apex not hooked; hindwing whitish.
Can be similar to some forms of C.icteritia (Sallow) and C.ocellaris (Pale-lemon Sallow) both of which have a slightly concave forewing termen with a hooked apex.
Can be similar to some forms of C.icteritia (Sallow) and C.ocellaris (Pale-lemon Sallow) both of which have a slightly concave forewing termen with a hooked apex.
Female genitalia
§1 Pegwell Bay, Kent; 27/09/2009; female; fw 17.6mm
All images © Chris Lewis
All images © Chris Lewis
Page published 30/05/2016 (§1)