63.017 Anania lancealis (Long-winged Pearl)
ws: 26-34mm (UK Moths, Norfolk Moths) 30-34mm (Goater, Hants Moths); hemp agrimony (Eupatorium cannabinum); common in damp woodland and fens in S England and Wales
Synonym: Perinephela lancealis
Synonym: Perinephela lancealis
ID: Goater suggests that it is unmistakable, but I think it is confusable with Pleuroptya ruralis (Mother of Pearl) at least until familiarity is gained with both species. A.lancealis has relatively longer, narrower wings with a more oblique termen - these features being more marked in the male than the female. In A.lancealis the postmedian line is a curved zigzag series of 'V's, in P.ruralis it is a curved series of 'U's with a sharp turn proximally near the dorsum.
§1 removed (worn)
§2 Strumpshaw Fen, Norfolk; 18/06/2012; male
§3 Foulden Common, Norfolk; 29/06/2017; male; fw 13.6mm
§4 Orlestone Forest, Kent; 24/06/2020; male
§5 Stour Wood, Essex; 08/07/2021; female; fw 12.9mm
All images © Chris Lewis
§2 Strumpshaw Fen, Norfolk; 18/06/2012; male
§3 Foulden Common, Norfolk; 29/06/2017; male; fw 13.6mm
§4 Orlestone Forest, Kent; 24/06/2020; male
§5 Stour Wood, Essex; 08/07/2021; female; fw 12.9mm
All images © Chris Lewis
Page published 19/02/2012 (§1) | Specimen §2 added 07/11/2012 | Genus changed from Perinephela 19/03/2014 |
§1 removed and §3 added 08/04/2018 | §4 added 27/01/2021 | §5 added 22/07/2021
§1 removed and §3 added 08/04/2018 | §4 added 27/01/2021 | §5 added 22/07/2021