73.273 Hada plebeja (Shears)
fw: 14-17mm (Waring & Townsend), ws: 28-38mm (MBGBI9); May-Jul, partially bivoltine in south Aug; various herbaceous plants; common throughout GB.
Synonym: Hada nana (MBGBI9)
Synonym: Hada nana (MBGBI9)
ID: Forewing ground colour may be pale to dark grey or brown (there is a tendency to be paler in the south and darker in the north); median fascia darker than ground colour and much narrower at dorsum than at costa; pale antemedian, postmedian and subterminal lines usually distinct, though the postmedian line may be less well-marked. An orange-ochreous patch is present at the base of the dorsum in fresh specimens, but this fades with age. The distinctive and diagnostic 'shears' mark is a white mark, somewhat variable in size and shape, occurring in the dorsal part of the median fascia with two prongs pointing towards the tornus.
§1 Foulness, Essex; 25/05/2007
§2 Whiteshill, Gloucestershire; 12/05/2011; fw 16.2mm §3 Foulness, Essex; 28/05/2011; fw 16.6mm §4 Mull; 01/07/2011; fw 16.4mm §5 New Forest, Hampshire; 04/06/2012; male; fw 14.6mm §6 St Lawrence, Isle of Wight; 30/05/2014 §7 North Ballachulish, Argyll; 02/06/2015; male; fw 15.3mm §8 Portland Bill, Dorset; 19/06/2015 §9 Orlestone Forest, Kent; 17/06/2020; male; fw 14.1mm All images © Chris Lewis |
§10 St Marys, Isles of Scilly; 10/10/2021; male
§11 ??; ??/??/2021; male fw 16.3mm §12 Bampton Grange, Cumbria; 10/06/2023; female; fw 17.3mm |
Page published 23/10/2016 (§1-8) | §9 added 24/01/2021 | §10 added 07/01/2022 | §11 added 18/02/2022 | §12 added 21/09/2023