Anarsia |
Generic features: Labial palps porrect; S2 with dense tuft of projecting scales ventrally; S3 in male very short and mostly concealed in tuft, in female longer than S2 and exposed; Forewing elongate-oval; V7&8 stalked, V8 to costa, V6 sometimes out of base of V8;
Hindwing as broad as fw, trapezoidal, costa with a distinct convex prominence in proximal half, apex not produced, termen weakly sinuate; V3&4 connate or approximate, V5 approximate, V6&7 stalked.
Male genitalia: valvae asymmetrical, both with a curved appendage
Hindwing as broad as fw, trapezoidal, costa with a distinct convex prominence in proximal half, apex not produced, termen weakly sinuate; V3&4 connate or approximate, V5 approximate, V6&7 stalked.
Male genitalia: valvae asymmetrical, both with a curved appendage
A.innoxiella and A.lineatella are very similar. A paper dealing with this species pair can be found here: Nota Lepidopterologica 40(1): 65-85 (23/03/2017), Gregerson and Kasrsholt. Much of what follows here is a summary of the information from this paper. In this paper, the presence of A.innoxiella in Britain is confirmed on the basis of the images of A.innoxiella §1&2 shown on this website (and previously published as A.lineatella). It seems a certainty that most British specimens previously identified as A.lineatella are actually A.innoxiella. A.lineatella is not native to Northern Europe but may have been introduced with cultivated Prunus spp - (according to the Gelechiid Recording Scheme, A.lineatella has been confirmed as a British species).
Anarsia innoxiella is characterised by its whitish grey and blackish grey forewings, which bear black longitudinal streaks, with the streak in the middle of the wing being especially prominent. Anarsia lineatella is characterised by its fuscous grey forewing with only a little white and with indistinct black streaks; it appears darker than A.innoxiella and has a less fractured pattern of the forewings. A.innoxiella shows some variation from light, variegated specimens to darker moths approaching A.lineatella in appearance.
Male genitalia: According to the above paper - separable on 3 features, A.innoxiella given first:
1) sub-apical lobe of the left(!) valva: subtriangular vs flatly rounded (less protruding)
2) uncus: conic, triangular vs slightly more slender
3) tegumen: moderately broad with weakly sinuous lateral margins vs broader with distinctly sinuous margins
As far as I can see it is the right valva that this should be referring to (in 1 above). The drawings in the paper referred to above appear to me to show the valvae to be transposed and mislabelled.
Female genitalia: ridges on the ventral surface of S8 are distinct in A.lineatella, but absent or very weak in A.innoxiella.
Anarsia innoxiella is characterised by its whitish grey and blackish grey forewings, which bear black longitudinal streaks, with the streak in the middle of the wing being especially prominent. Anarsia lineatella is characterised by its fuscous grey forewing with only a little white and with indistinct black streaks; it appears darker than A.innoxiella and has a less fractured pattern of the forewings. A.innoxiella shows some variation from light, variegated specimens to darker moths approaching A.lineatella in appearance.
Male genitalia: According to the above paper - separable on 3 features, A.innoxiella given first:
1) sub-apical lobe of the left(!) valva: subtriangular vs flatly rounded (less protruding)
2) uncus: conic, triangular vs slightly more slender
3) tegumen: moderately broad with weakly sinuous lateral margins vs broader with distinctly sinuous margins
As far as I can see it is the right valva that this should be referring to (in 1 above). The drawings in the paper referred to above appear to me to show the valvae to be transposed and mislabelled.
Female genitalia: ridges on the ventral surface of S8 are distinct in A.lineatella, but absent or very weak in A.innoxiella.