73.163 Apamea lithoxylea (Light Arches)
fw: 18-23mm (Waring & Townsend), ws: 44-50mm (MBGBI10); Jun-Aug; grasses (Poaceae); common throughout GB
ID: Forewing light straw; markings obscure; a short brown oblique median dash from the costa towards a brown median streak with very diffuse markings hinting at a median fascia between these two markings and between the median streak and the dorsum; a narrow white subterminal line with a 'W' towards the tornus and with diffuse brown colouration on either side of it usually concentrated on either side of (costal and dorsal to) the the 'W' mark, with some blackish in these concentrated areas; antemedian and postemedian lines represented by series of double neural dots; a brown streaks in the middle of the wing and medial and dorsal basal streaks. Antenna: male - fasciculate-ciliate, female - finely ciliate.
A.sublustris (Reddish Light Arches) has a similar pattern with a more reddish-ochreous ground colour; relatively broader wings; more strongly connected costal and median blotches; brown blotches on termen more sharply defined.
A.sublustris (Reddish Light Arches) has a similar pattern with a more reddish-ochreous ground colour; relatively broader wings; more strongly connected costal and median blotches; brown blotches on termen more sharply defined.
§1 Foulness, Essex; 12/06/2010; male
§2 Arne, Dorset; 04/07/2016; male; fw 21.7mm; to light
All images © Chris Lewis
§2 Arne, Dorset; 04/07/2016; male; fw 21.7mm; to light
All images © Chris Lewis
Page published 29/03/2016 (§1) | §2 added 17/11/2016