73.230 Aporophyla (Aporophyla) australis (Feathered Brindle)
ws: 36-42mm (MBGBI10), fw: 14-17mm (Waring & Townsend); Aug-Oct; various herbaceous plants; NS-B on shingle beaches and vegetated sand-dunes (but not saltmarsh) on south coast of England, east coast to Norfolk and south coast of Pembrokeshire.
The British subspecies is pascuea
The British subspecies is pascuea
ID: Median and subdorsal black basal streaks; stigmata variably outlined black; strongly dentate antemdian and postmedian lines; veins dark-lined between points of subterminal line and termen; internal black subterminal streaks connect with a line of black terminal triangles. Geographical variation in darkness of ground colour and distinctness of markings.
§1 Portland, Dorset; 11/09/2019; male; fw 15.1mm
§2 Portland, Dorset; 30/09/2024; male
§3 Portland, Dorset; 30/09/2024; male
All images © Chris Lewis
§2 Portland, Dorset; 30/09/2024; male
§3 Portland, Dorset; 30/09/2024; male
All images © Chris Lewis
Page published 15/09/2019 (§1) | Dissection images added 13/11/2019 | §2&3 added 13/11/2024