73.134 Rhizedra lutosa (Large Wainscot)
fw: 16-23mm (Waring & Townsend), ws: 36-52mm (MBGBI10); Aug-Oct; common reed (Phragmites australis); common in reedbeds in England and Wales, local in Scotland.
ID: Variable in size and colour from light straw through reddish straw to brownish grey; forewing with a pointed apex, dusted and streaked to a variable extent (usually lightly) with black; post-median line of black dots; hindwing whitish, dusted (usually lightly) with grey and usually with a median line of dark dashes. Antenna: male - bifasciculate, female - finely setose
Sedina buettneri (Blair’s Wainscot) is smaller (fw 12-14mm) with a more pointed forewing apex and a smoky grey hindwing.
Globia algae (Rush Wainscot) has a uniformly grey hindwing.
Nonagria typhae (Bulrush Wainscot) has a blunter forewing apex, terminal dashes and its abdomen extends beyond the tornus.
Sedina buettneri (Blair’s Wainscot) is smaller (fw 12-14mm) with a more pointed forewing apex and a smoky grey hindwing.
Globia algae (Rush Wainscot) has a uniformly grey hindwing.
Nonagria typhae (Bulrush Wainscot) has a blunter forewing apex, terminal dashes and its abdomen extends beyond the tornus.
§1 Titchwell, Norfolk; 20/09/2007; fw 17.2mm
§2 Foulness, Essex; 18/10/2008; male; fw 22.7mm §3 Foulness, Essex; 27/08/2011; male; fw 16.2mm §4 St Marys, Isles of Scilly; 30/09/2011; fw 24.9mm §5 St Marys, Isles of Scilly; 29/09/2012 §6 St Marys, Isles of Scilly; 12/10/2013; female; fw 22.1mm §7 Kintail, Wester Ross; 11/09/2014; male; fw 16.8mm §8 St Marys, Isles of Scilly; 16/10/2014 §9 St Marys, Isles of Scilly; 19/10/2015 All images © Chris Lewis |
§10 Foulness, Essex; 10/11/2018; male; fw 20.0mm
§11 St Marys, Isles of Scilly; 14/10/2021; male; fw 22.8mm §12 Foulness, Essex; 29/10/2022; female; fw 25.6mm §13 Foulness, Essex; 29/10/2022; female; fw 25.0mm §14 St Mary's, ISles of Scilly; 05/10/2022; male |
Page published 07/03/2016 (§1-9) | §10 added 23/04/2019 | §11 added 07/01/2022 | §12-14 added 28/11/2022