70.272 Paradarisa consonaria (Square Spot)
ws: 40-45mm (UKMoths), fw: 18-20mm (Waring & Townsend); Apr-Jun; various broadleaved trees; local in broadleaved and mixed woodland in England & Wales
ID: usually distinguishable from similar species by a squarish dark block on the forewing centrally placed between postmedian and subterminal lines. Ectropis crepuscularia (Engrailed) is a similar size and flies at the same time; it can be distinguished by the absence of the square spot and the presence of a pair of dark darts projecting distally from the postmedian line. Alcis repandata (Mottled Beauty) is usually larger (fw 19-26mm), flies later (Jun-Aug) and shows a distinct curve (convex distally) near the costal end of the postmedian line.
Male genitalia
Female genitalia
§1 New Forest, Hampshire; 15/05/2018; male; fw 19.3mm; to light
All images © Chris Lewis
All images © Chris Lewis
Page published 19/05/2018 (§1)