15.047 Phyllonorycter hostis (Cryptic Apple Leaf-miner)
ws: 8-9mm (MBGBI2); bivoltine May, Aug; quince (Cydonia oblonga), crab-apple (Malus sylvestris), wild service tree (Sorbus torminalis); local in SE.England and Welsh borders.
ID: Keyed as: forewing markings appear white on a coloured background; C1D1 not forming a complete fascia; thorax without a lighter median line - But some web images of this species do show a lighter median line. Part of a group of very similar Phyllonorycters: sorbi, oxyacanthae, blancardella & mespilella. Requires gen.det.
Male genitalia: Right costa twice as long and much broader than left, terminating in a short stout curved spine (~¼ as long as the rest of the costa), set at an angle to the rest of the costa; left costa terminates in a straight spine ~⅔ as long as the rest of the costa.
Male genitalia: Right costa twice as long and much broader than left, terminating in a short stout curved spine (~¼ as long as the rest of the costa), set at an angle to the rest of the costa; left costa terminates in a straight spine ~⅔ as long as the rest of the costa.
§1 Little Waltham, Essex; 19/05/2022; male; fw 3.9mm; to NIG pheromone
All images © Chris Lewis
All images © Chris Lewis
Page published 28/07/2022 (§1)