59.004 Coenonympha tullia (Large Heath)
ws: 35-40mm; Jun-Jul; hare's-tail/common cottongrass (Eriophorum vaginatum/angustifolium), jointed rush (Juncus articulatus); scarce and local in bogs mosses and damp moorland in Scotland, north England and north Wales
ssp davus - (bold eye-spots on underside) north-west England
ssp polydama (eye-spots less bold) north Wales, north England, south Scotland
ssp scotica (eye-spots obsolescent) north Scotland
ssp davus - (bold eye-spots on underside) north-west England
ssp polydama (eye-spots less bold) north Wales, north England, south Scotland
ssp scotica (eye-spots obsolescent) north Scotland
ID: Similar to the much commoner and more widespread C.pamphilus (Small Heath) which is averages smaller (although there is some overlap), lacks the hindwing underside eye-spots of ssp davus/polydama and has a large bold eye spot on the forewing underside unlike the small eyespot of ssp scotica.
§1 Allt Mhuic, Argyll; 04/07/2011; ssp scotica
§2 Ben Lawers, Perthshire; 24/06/2018; female; fw 18.6mm; ssp scotica
§3 Foulshaw, Cumbria; 22/06/2019
All images © Chris Lewis
§2 Ben Lawers, Perthshire; 24/06/2018; female; fw 18.6mm; ssp scotica
§3 Foulshaw, Cumbria; 22/06/2019
All images © Chris Lewis
Page published 09/05/2014 (§1) | §2 added 04/07/2018 | §3 added 23/07/2019