10.006 Coptotriche angusticolella (Rose Blotch-miner)
ws 8-9mm (MBGBI1); May-Jun (MBGBI1), Jun, Aug (Hants moths); leaf-mine in Rose (Rosa spp) Sep-Oct; NS-B very local in England
Synonym: Tischeria angusticolella (MBGBI1)
Since §1 appears freshly emerged on 11th July I have some doubts about the accuracy/completeness of the quoted flight periods.
Synonym: Tischeria angusticolella (MBGBI1)
Since §1 appears freshly emerged on 11th July I have some doubts about the accuracy/completeness of the quoted flight periods.
ID: Bronzy fuscous, slightly but distinctly metallic, antenna with apical 1/3 white. Once recognised as in Family: Tischeriidae, the identification is straightforward as it is the only extant British species that is not yellow. Identification that it is in Family: Tischeriidae is problematic as this is largely based on venation (10 forewing veins reaching the margin).
At first sight resembles a Coleophora but its slightly metallic sheen is quite unlike the strongly metallic Coleophora species; the male has a finely but distinctly ciliate antenna (unlike any Coleophora species); the proximal hindtibial spur pair is placed extremely proximally (rather than centrally) and the abominal dorsum lacks the scale plates typical of Coleophora species.
At first sight resembles a Coleophora but its slightly metallic sheen is quite unlike the strongly metallic Coleophora species; the male has a finely but distinctly ciliate antenna (unlike any Coleophora species); the proximal hindtibial spur pair is placed extremely proximally (rather than centrally) and the abominal dorsum lacks the scale plates typical of Coleophora species.
§1 Pound Wood, Essex; 11/07/2019; male; fw 4.0mm
§2 Pound Wood, Essex; 20/05/2020; male
All images © Chris Lewis
§2 Pound Wood, Essex; 20/05/2020; male
All images © Chris Lewis
Page published 19/07/2019 (§1) | §2 added 18/01/2021