19.002 Glyphipterix thrasonella (Eyed Rush Moth)
ws: 10-15mm; May-Aug; food plant not certain but believed to be various rushes; common in wet habitats throughout GB
ID: Forewing markings range from brassy with just a few blackish scales (form cladiella), through the typical form shown above, to a large apical silvery blotch (form nitens). Form cladiella is similar to G.fuscoviridella but the latter differs in having a straight termen.
§1 Thursley Common, Surrey; 17/06/2008
§2 New Forest, Hampshire; 28/06/2008; fw 6.3mm §3 Cyffdy Farm, Gwynedd; 24/06/2010; female §4 Mull; 27/06/2011; male §5 Mull; 01/07/2011; male; fw 4.8mm §6 Arne, Dorset; 02/07/2016 §7 New Forest, Hampshire; 22/06/2016; female; netted by day All images © Chris Lewis |
§8 Orlestone Forest, Kent; 04/06/2019; male
§9 Orlestone Forest, Kent; 04/06/2019; male; fw 6.5mm §10 Orlestone Forest, Kent; 04/06/2019; male §11 Orlestone Forest, Kent; 04/06/2019; male; fw 6.6mm §12 Orlestone Forest, Kent; 17/06/2020; female; fw 6.3mm §13 Green Crag, Cumbria; 20/06/2023; female; fw 4.5mm |
Page published 30/01/2012 | §6 added 29/09/2016 | §7 added 29/05/2017 | §8-11 added 01/01/2020 | §12 added 2021 | §13 added 18/12/2023