70.216 Macaria carbonaria (Netted Mountain Moth)
fw:10-11mm; Apr-Jun, diurnal; bearberry (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi); RDB mountains and moorlands of C. Scottish highlands.
ID: Blackish cross-lines with a variable amount of white between them - from quite frosty to almost entirely black. Can be very similar to Ematurga atomaria (Common Heath). In M.carbonaria the antemedian and postmedian lines remain widely separated throughout their length, while in A.atomaria these lines converge strongly towards the dorsum; in the male the antennae are much more strongly feathered in E.atomaria.
§1 Muir of Dinnet, Aberdeenshire; 11/05/2016; female; by sweeping heather at dusk
All images © Chris Lewis
All images © Chris Lewis
Page published 29/05/2016 (§1)