GELECHIIDAE | Gelechiinae | Gnorimoschemini
35.138 Caryocolum junctella (Winter Groundling)
ws: 9.5-11.5mm; Jul-May, hibernates as adult; lesser stitchwort (Stellaria graminea), mouse-ears (Cerastium spp); woodland in midlands, NW.England, Wales and N.Scotland
ID: Keyed in MBGBI4.2 thus: thorax grey, ochreous or fuscous; fw with some orange-ochreous markings; fw with dark fuscous bar from costa to fold at ~45 degree angle with costa and meeting costa only for a short distance > C.junctella/alsinella/viscariella
These are differentiated in the key by C.junctella having frons 'silvery' as opposed to 'shining pale ochreous-grey' and on male genital features.
C.alsinella can be excluded on habitat as it is confined to sandy coasts
C.viscariella can be excluded on flight season (Jun-Jul)
Further confirmation can be found in the species descriptions given in MBGBI4.2. Only 3 species (C.proximum/junctella/tricolorella) are described as having pink bands on the fore & midtibiae; only 2 species (C.proximum/junctella) are described as having a pink tuft below the eye. C.proxima and C.viscariella do not occur as far north as Perthshire and are excluded by fw features.
These are differentiated in the key by C.junctella having frons 'silvery' as opposed to 'shining pale ochreous-grey' and on male genital features.
C.alsinella can be excluded on habitat as it is confined to sandy coasts
C.viscariella can be excluded on flight season (Jun-Jul)
Further confirmation can be found in the species descriptions given in MBGBI4.2. Only 3 species (C.proximum/junctella/tricolorella) are described as having pink bands on the fore & midtibiae; only 2 species (C.proximum/junctella) are described as having a pink tuft below the eye. C.proxima and C.viscariella do not occur as far north as Perthshire and are excluded by fw features.
§1 Loch Rannoch, Perthshire; 29/08/2008
All images © Chris Lewis
All images © Chris Lewis