GELECHIIDAE | Apatetrinae | Pexicopiini
35.033 Platyedra subcinerea (Mallow Seed Moth)
ws: 16-18mm; Aug-Jun, overwinters as adult; common mallow (Malva sylvestris); NS-B - S.England
Generic features: Labial palp long, S2 somewhat thickened; Antennal scape with reduced pecten; Forewing without scale tufts, ovate and elongate;
Hindwing broader than forewing, trapezoidal, termen not emarginate
Male genitalia: valvae spatulate with pointed central ridge; socii large, stalked, with long bristles
Female genitalia: signum - a pair of small spiny plates
ID: The small black spot at the extreme base of the forewing and another black spot ringed pale just before 1/2 are useful ID features.
Male genitalia: the key feature (MBGBI4.2) is the large stalked pair of socii with long bristles. The genus description (MBGBI4.2) gives "valva spatulate with a strongly sclerotised central ridge". I have found it difficult to reconcile this description with the drawing in MBGBI4.2 or the actual genitalia as pictured below (and which are clearly the same as the drawings). As far as I can see the valvae are flat and weakly sclerotised; the sacculi are of a highly characteristic form - flat/tubular with a recurved apex and with a strongly sclerotised bar in the recurved apical section.
Hindwing broader than forewing, trapezoidal, termen not emarginate
Male genitalia: valvae spatulate with pointed central ridge; socii large, stalked, with long bristles
Female genitalia: signum - a pair of small spiny plates
ID: The small black spot at the extreme base of the forewing and another black spot ringed pale just before 1/2 are useful ID features.
Male genitalia: the key feature (MBGBI4.2) is the large stalked pair of socii with long bristles. The genus description (MBGBI4.2) gives "valva spatulate with a strongly sclerotised central ridge". I have found it difficult to reconcile this description with the drawing in MBGBI4.2 or the actual genitalia as pictured below (and which are clearly the same as the drawings). As far as I can see the valvae are flat and weakly sclerotised; the sacculi are of a highly characteristic form - flat/tubular with a recurved apex and with a strongly sclerotised bar in the recurved apical section.
§1 Foulness, Essex; 04/09/2011; male; fw 8.6mm
§2 Foulness, Essex; 12/08/2007
§3 Foulness, Essex; 26/08/2007
§4 Foulness, Essex; 04/09/2011; male
§5 Foulness, Essex; 01/06/2008
§6 Foulness, Essex; 18/05/2019; male; fw 8.3mm
§7 Leigh-on-sea, Essex; 08/05/2020; female; fw 7.0mm
§8 ??; 2020; female
All images © Chris Lewis
§2 Foulness, Essex; 12/08/2007
§3 Foulness, Essex; 26/08/2007
§4 Foulness, Essex; 04/09/2011; male
§5 Foulness, Essex; 01/06/2008
§6 Foulness, Essex; 18/05/2019; male; fw 8.3mm
§7 Leigh-on-sea, Essex; 08/05/2020; female; fw 7.0mm
§8 ??; 2020; female
All images © Chris Lewis
Page published 02/11/2011 (§1-5) | §6 added 07/01/2020 | §7 added 15/01/2021 | §8 added 08/04/2021