52.010 Synanthedon andranaeformis (Orange-tailed Clearwing)
ws: 18-22mm (MBGBI2), fw 9-11mm (Waring & Townsend); May-Jul; wayfaring-tree, guelder rose (Viburnum lantana/opulus); NS-B SC.England
Comes to VES lure all day, peak 11am
Comes to VES lure all day, peak 11am
ID: Broad orange and black tail fan, two yellow bands on abdomen.
S.scoliaeformis (Welsh Clearwing) has a largely orange tail fan, a diagnostically broad black forewing bar between the translucent areas, it is larger (fw 12-15mm) and there is no range overlap.
S.vespiformis (Yellow-legged Clearwing) (which also comes to the VES lure) lacks orange in the tail fan and has a reddish forewing bar.
S.scoliaeformis (Welsh Clearwing) has a largely orange tail fan, a diagnostically broad black forewing bar between the translucent areas, it is larger (fw 12-15mm) and there is no range overlap.
S.vespiformis (Yellow-legged Clearwing) (which also comes to the VES lure) lacks orange in the tail fan and has a reddish forewing bar.
§1 Westcliff-on-sea, Essex; 29/06/2019; male - to VES lure
§2 Westcliff-on-sea, Essex; 01/07/2024; male - to VES lure
All images © Chris Lewis
§2 Westcliff-on-sea, Essex; 01/07/2024; male - to VES lure
All images © Chris Lewis
Page published 02/07/2019 (§1) - dissection images added 20/02/2020 | §2 added 24/11/2024