11.002 Narycia duplicella (White-speckled Bagworm)
Female fully-developed. ws: m9-12mm f7-10mm; Jun-Jul; common in S.England, more local further N.
Ocelli absent; labial palp 3-segmented; foretibia without spur but with long tuft of dark scales.
Larval case on tree trunks May-Jun.
Key in MBGBI2 is confusing as it relies on determining either that this species has ocelli (which it doesn’t) or a foretibial spur (while the species description states that what looks like a spur in this species is actually a tuft of scales). The key also relies on determining that the antenna is fasciculate rather than ciliate and then describes it as ciliate in the species description!
Ocelli absent; labial palp 3-segmented; foretibia without spur but with long tuft of dark scales.
Larval case on tree trunks May-Jun.
Key in MBGBI2 is confusing as it relies on determining either that this species has ocelli (which it doesn’t) or a foretibial spur (while the species description states that what looks like a spur in this species is actually a tuft of scales). The key also relies on determining that the antenna is fasciculate rather than ciliate and then describes it as ciliate in the species description!
Male genitalia
§1 Strumpshaw Fen, Norfolk; 05/06/2009; male
§2 New Forest, Hampshire; 03/06/2012; male; fw 5.3mm
All images © Chris Lewis
§2 New Forest, Hampshire; 03/06/2012; male; fw 5.3mm
All images © Chris Lewis
Page published Jan 2011 (§1) | §2 added 28/01/2013