71.024 Ptilophora plumigera (Plumed Prominent)
fw: 16-19mm (Waring & Townsend); Nov-Dec; field maple (Acer campestre); NS-A scattered colonies in S.England from Dorset to Kent, the Chilterns and the Cotswolds
ID: Forewing with variable mottling of yellowish and reddish-brown; indistinct undulating yellowish antemedian line, more distinct dentate yellowish postmedian line; median fascia between these lines usually a shade darker than rest of wing, especially towards costa; dorsal half of teminal cilia chequered yellowish and red-brown; male antennae very strikingly bipectinate, female antennae simple.
Male genitalia
§1 Groton Wood, Suffolk; 15/11/2017; male; to light
§2 Groton Wood, Suffolk; 15/11/2017; male; fw 16.8mm; to light
§3 Groton Wood, Suffolk; 15/11/2017; male; fw 15.5mm; to light
All images © Chris Lewis
§2 Groton Wood, Suffolk; 15/11/2017; male; fw 16.8mm; to light
§3 Groton Wood, Suffolk; 15/11/2017; male; fw 15.5mm; to light
All images © Chris Lewis
Page published 22/11/2017 (§1-3) | Dissection images added 02/01/2018