H.salicella is distinct in having an extensively white forewing dorsum. The remaining 4 Hedya species all show a forewing pattern with the basal 2/3 marbled brown, blue-grey and black with some whitish patches and the apical 1/3 whitish. (This pattern is also shared by most Apotomis species).
Pale areas whitish with 2 dark spots costal to angulation of light-dark margin and variable greyish suffusion
Pale areas whitish with 2 dark spots distal to angulation of light-dark margin and variable greyish suffusion; dark apex
Pale areas ochreous-yellow with little additional marking. Can be very similar to Apotomis betuletana any may need dissection to identify.
Pale areas cream or pinkish (fades with age) with a single prominent spot distal to the light-dark margin
Male genitalia: In Hedya species the sacculus/neck/cucullus complex are of fairly even width and the sacculus is fully fused into this complex; in Apotomis species the sacculus has a distinct spined apical lobe, the neck is relatively narrow and the cucullus relatively expanded. The Hedya species differ in the arrangements of spines on the sacculus, in the shape of the basal cavity and in the shape of the uncus.