49.356 Grapholita lobarzewskii (Small Fruit Moth)
ws: 13-14mm (MBGBI5.2), fw 6-6.5mm (Sterling & Parsons); Jun-Jul; Apple (Malus spp); NS-A - a recent colonist recorded from southern counties of England and Wales
Synonym: Cydia prunivorana (BTM)
Synonym: Cydia prunivorana (BTM)
ID: Descriptions from MBGBI5.2, BTM and Sterling & Parsons differ substantially - possibly because this is a difficult species to describe. Forewing chocolate-brown to orangy-brown with pale-brown mottling; an obscurely strigulate dorsal patch is discernable and the ocellus is marked with a few black streaks. MBGBI5.4 states that the labial palps are dark chocolate-brown - but all web images of this species show whitish labial palps. Web images also show a shaggy shoulder-patch of pale brown to ornage-brown elongate scales that is not mentioned in any of the descriptions. I have recorded the fw length of §1 at 5.3mm which is a bit on the small side in comparison with the quoted size ranges - but the genitalia look right.
§1 Arne, Dorset; 07/07/2016; male; fw 5.3mm
All images © Chris Lewis
All images © Chris Lewis
Page published 11/12/2016 (§1)