49.276 Eucosma aspidiscana (Goldenrod Tortrix)
ws: 13-19mm (BTM), 6-9mm (Sterling & Parsons); Apr-Jun; goldenrod (Solidago virgaurea); NS-B chalk and limestone areas in England & Wales
ID: Generally golden brown; prominent white costal strigulae in apical half; prominent ocellus with ~3 black streaks and proximal and distal metallic bars. Markings brown, variably and sometimes extensively overlaid with black: subbasal/median dorsal blotch; postmedian fascia which appears to be formed from a broad tornal spot in the dorsal half angled with a median fascia in the costal half; variable brown, black and white streaking of basal half.
§1 Warton Crag, Lancashire; 18/05/2021; female; fw 7.5mm; netted by day
All images © Chris Lewis
All images © Chris Lewis
Page published 24/05/2021 (§1)