GELECHIIDAE | Anacampsinae | Anacampsini
35.010 Aproaerema anthyllidella (Vetch Moth)
ws: 10-12mm; bivoltine May-Jun, Aug-Sep; kidney vetch (Anthyllis vulneriana), rest harrow (Ononis spp), sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia), lucerne (Medicago sativa), clover (Trifolium spp); common on rough grassland and dry pasture throughout GB except far N.Scotland
Generic Features: Ocelli absent; Antennal scape without pecten; Labial palp long and slender, S3 longer than S2, S2 slightly thickened with appressed scales; Forewing V9-6 stalked, V6 long
Male genitalia: Apex of uncus cleft into 2 lobes, valvae parallel-sided, not ending in a hook
Female genitalia: no signum
ID: Similar to Oxypteryx atrella, Oxypteryx immaculatella and Syncopacma albipalpella (Extinct). Oxypteryx immaculatella usually lacks a tornal spot and has dark labial palps; Oxypteryx atrella usually shows some white flecks in the preapical costal cilia, not seen in Aproaerema. Genital dissection readily confirms this species.
Male genitalia: Apex of uncus cleft into 2 lobes, valvae parallel-sided, not ending in a hook
Female genitalia: no signum
ID: Similar to Oxypteryx atrella, Oxypteryx immaculatella and Syncopacma albipalpella (Extinct). Oxypteryx immaculatella usually lacks a tornal spot and has dark labial palps; Oxypteryx atrella usually shows some white flecks in the preapical costal cilia, not seen in Aproaerema. Genital dissection readily confirms this species.
Male genitalia
Female genitalia
§1 Foulness, Essex; 16/07/2010; female; fw 4.8mm
§2 Westcliff-on-sea, Essex; 25/08/2009; male; fw 4.3mm §3 Foulness, Essex; 01/08/2010; male §4 Foulness, Essex; date?; female §5 Foulness, Essex; 08/05/2011; male §6 Foulness, Essex; 11/08/2012; female §7 Shoeburyness, Essex; 20/05/2016; male §8 North Warren, Suffolk; 16/07/2017; male §9 Foulness, Essex; 11/08/2018; male; fw 4.7mm All images © Chris Lewis |
§10 Foulness, Essex; 03/08/2018
§11 Portland Bill, Dorset; 09/09/2018; female; fw 4.2mm §12 Westcliff-on-sea, Essex; 16/07/2018; male; fw 5.0mm |
Page published Nov 2011 | Specimen §6 added 27/08/2012 | §7 added 20/05/2017 | §8 added 15/04/2018 | §9 added 03/02/2019 |
§10&11 added 20/02/2019 | §12 added 27/04/2019
§10&11 added 20/02/2019 | §12 added 27/04/2019