Suborder:Glossata Infraorder:Heteroneura Superfamily:Gelechioidea
Perittia (2S), Stephensia, Elachista (46S)
ws: 6.5-14mm; mainly crepuscular; rest near horizontal wings tectiform/involute, antennae directed backwards; Head smooth-scaled, neck tufts raised above head; Antenna 3/4 length of forewing, scape with pecten; Maxillary palps very small; Labial palps slender, porrect or ascending, diverging; Proboscis present; Forewing 3x longer than wide, tornus indistinct; Hindwing narrower than forewing, dorsal cilia long; Hindtibia with hairs dorsally and ventrally, medial spurs well proximal to middle of hindtibia; Family definition based on venation: forewing V7-11 to costa, hindwing with V7 to apex
Key to Elachistidae
Perittia (2S), Stephensia, Elachista (46S)
ws: 6.5-14mm; mainly crepuscular; rest near horizontal wings tectiform/involute, antennae directed backwards; Head smooth-scaled, neck tufts raised above head; Antenna 3/4 length of forewing, scape with pecten; Maxillary palps very small; Labial palps slender, porrect or ascending, diverging; Proboscis present; Forewing 3x longer than wide, tornus indistinct; Hindwing narrower than forewing, dorsal cilia long; Hindtibia with hairs dorsally and ventrally, medial spurs well proximal to middle of hindtibia; Family definition based on venation: forewing V7-11 to costa, hindwing with V7 to apex
Key to Elachistidae
Perittia (2S[1DB])
001 Perittia obscurepunctella
(Honeysuckle Blotch-miner) |
002 Perittia farinella
(Dover Perittia) Single unconfirmed British record Dover 1897 - doubtfully British |
003 Stephenisa brunnichella
(Basil Blotch-miner) ws: 8-9mm; bivoltine May-Jun, Aug-Sep; wild basil (Clinopodium vulgare); NS-B in deciduous woodland on chalk in England |
Elachista (46S)
007 Elachista subocellea
(Brown-barred Grass-miner) |
008 Elachista triseriatella
(Least Grass-miner) ws: 7mm; Jun-Jul; NS-A open calcareous grassland in SW.England and Wales |
009 Elachista dispunctella
(Western Grass-miner) ws: 8mm: May-Jun; RDB on dry pasture and downland in S.Wales, Cornwall (formerly E.cahorsensis) |
013 Elachista cingillella
(Millet Grass-miner) ws: 8-9mm; May-Jun; wood millet (Milium effusum); RDB - damp woodland in Herefordshire |
014 Elachista unifasciella
(Blister Grass-miner) ws: 9-10mm; May-Jun; cock's-foot (Dactylis glomerata); RDB- grassland in S.England |
015 Elachista gangabella
(Yellow-barred Grass-miner) ws: 9-10mm; May-Jun; false brome (Brachypodium sylvaticum), cock's-foot (Dactylis glomerata), soft-grass (Holcus spp); shady woodland in S.England and Wales. |
019 Elachista regificella
(Wood-rush Miner) ws: 8-9mm; Jul; great wood-rush (Luzula sylvatica), hairy wood-rush (Luzula pilosa); NS-B - open woodland throughout Britain |
020 Elachista geminatella
(Norfolk Wood-rush Miner) ws: 7.8-9.6mm; Jul?; field wood-rush (Luzula campestris); single C19 British record, situation slightly confused as lumped with E.tengstromi until 2001 - but regard as extinct in GB |
021 Elachista tengstromi
(Hairy Wood-rush Miner) ws: 7-9.3mm; Jul?; hairy wood-rush (Luzula pilosa); possibly locally common in woodland but status uncertain |
040 Elachista trapeziella
(Scarce Wood-rush Miner) ws: 8-10mm; May-Jul; great wood-rush (Luzula sylvatica), hairy wood-rush (Luzula pilosa); NS-A - shady deciduous woodland and river gorges in S.England and N.England/S.Scotland |
041 Elachista cinereopunctella
(Glaucous Sedge-miner) |
042 Elachista serricornis
(Dusky Sedge-miner) ws: 6.5-9mm; Jun-Jul; wood sedge (Carex sylvatica); NS-A - bogs and damp woodland in widely separated localities throughout Britain. |
Page published March 2011 | Amended to replace genera Cosmiotes and Biselachista with Elachista 26/04/2014