73.336 Cerastis rubricosa (Red Chestnut)
fw: 14-17mm (Waring & Townsend), ws 32-38mm (MBGBI9); Feb-Apr (-May); various herbaceous and woody plants; common throughout GB.
ID: Forewing costa straight, termen fairly straight but rounded at tornus; ground colour ranges from pale reddish-brown to purplish brown with a variable mix of grey (darker forms predominating further north); oval, kidney and cross-lines usually faint, but sometimes pale and distinct; antenna shortly bipectinate in male, simple in female. C.leucographa (White-marked) has a similar shape and colour range but has distinct white or white-outlined oval and kidney marks, a paler hindwing and the male has strongly bipectinate antennae.
§1 Buttermere, Cumbria; 01/05/2009; fw 15.8mm
§2 Foulness, Essex; 03/04/2010; male; fw 17.0mm §3 Foulness, Essex; 17/04/2010 §4 Strumpshaw Fen, Norfolk; 18/04/2011; male §5 Exmoor, Devon; 26/04/2012 §6 Removed - misidentification §7 Dartmoor, Devon; 04/04/2014 §8 Foulness, Essex; 28/03/2015; male; fw 17.0mm §9 Foulness, Essex; 28/03/2015; male; fw 16.5mm All images © Chris Lewis |
§10 Foulden Common, Norfolk; 11/04/2016; male; fw 16.0mm
§11 Bampton Grange, Cumbria; 28/03/2017; female; fw 14.2mm §12 Foulness, Essex; 07/04/2018 §13 Cliburn Moss, Cumbria; 22/03/2022; male; fw 16.8mm |
Page published 14/03/2017 (§1-9) | §6 removed and §11 added 01/04/2018 | §12 added 21/02/2019 | §13 added 20/05/2022