71.009 Stauropus fagi (Lobster Moth)
fw: 24-33mm (W&T), ws 55-70mm (MBGBI9), 40-70mm (Wikipedia), 45-60mm (UKMoths); May-Jul; various broadleaved trees; common in S.England and Wales, more local in East Anglia and the Midlands
ID: Antenna bipectinate in male, simple in female; hindtibia with one spur pair. Rests with hindwing protruding beneath forewing costa, as does the similar Peridea anceps (Great Prominent). Grey-brown and yellowish with a rufous patch on forewing dorsum. P.anceps has a greenish tint, a small pale ring-like central forewing stigma, a projecting dorsal scale tuft and lacks any rufous patch on the dorsum.
Male Genitalia: Complex. Ventral plate of abdominal segment 8? (Pierce says S7) very elaborate; saccus, juxta, and valvae fused centrally, juxta forming a robust anellus; remainder of vinculum a simple sclerotised band, costae separate from valvae and relatively short; tegumen a narrow sclerotised band; robust paired structures of unclear derivation (?socii) have a membranous articulation with the tegumen, uncus and gathos absent; anal tube with a weakly sclerotised subscaphium.
Male Genitalia: Complex. Ventral plate of abdominal segment 8? (Pierce says S7) very elaborate; saccus, juxta, and valvae fused centrally, juxta forming a robust anellus; remainder of vinculum a simple sclerotised band, costae separate from valvae and relatively short; tegumen a narrow sclerotised band; robust paired structures of unclear derivation (?socii) have a membranous articulation with the tegumen, uncus and gathos absent; anal tube with a weakly sclerotised subscaphium.
§1 Upton Fen, Norfolk; 08/06/2008
§2 New Forest, Hampshire; 27/06/2009
§3 New Forest, Hampshire; 02/06/2012; male; fw 27.9mm
§4 Orlestone Forest, Kent; 04/06/2019; male; fw 24.8mm
All images © Chris Lewis
§2 New Forest, Hampshire; 27/06/2009
§3 New Forest, Hampshire; 02/06/2012; male; fw 27.9mm
§4 Orlestone Forest, Kent; 04/06/2019; male; fw 24.8mm
All images © Chris Lewis
Page published 13/12/2014 (§1-3) | Male genitalia text rewritten and parts re-labelled 29/12/2019 | §4 added 21/01/2020