73.190 Leptoligia macilenta (Yellow-line Quaker)
fw: 14-16mm (Waring & Townsend), ws: 37-40mm (MBGBI10); Sep-Nov; various broadleaved trees, herbaceous plants and heathers; common throughout GB.
Synonym: Agrochola (Leptoligia) macilenta (RES Checklist, 2013)
Synonym: Agrochola (Leptoligia) macilenta (RES Checklist, 2013)
ID: Forewing ground colour pale brown or yellowish-brown; kidney mark black in dorsal half; subterminal line red, edged with yellow on its distal side, fairly straight apart from a subcostal notch. A.lota (Red-line Quaker) is similarly marked but has a grey ground colour. A.circellaris (Brick) is often larger (fw: 14-19mm), has a reddish-brown ground colour and a more irregular subterminal line.
§1 St Agnes, Isles of Scilly; 20/10/2010; male; fw 15.9mm
§2 Christon Bank, Northumberland; 15/09/2014; male; fw 13.1mm
§3 Christon Bank, Northumberland; 15/09/2014; male; fw 14.1mm
§4 Christon Bank, Northumberland; 16/09/2014
§5 Bampton Grange, Cumbria; 13/10/2017; female; fw 14.7mm
§6 Lochcarron, Wester Ross; 24/09/2019; male; fw 14.5mm
All images © Chris Lewis
§2 Christon Bank, Northumberland; 15/09/2014; male; fw 13.1mm
§3 Christon Bank, Northumberland; 15/09/2014; male; fw 14.1mm
§4 Christon Bank, Northumberland; 16/09/2014
§5 Bampton Grange, Cumbria; 13/10/2017; female; fw 14.7mm
§6 Lochcarron, Wester Ross; 24/09/2019; male; fw 14.5mm
All images © Chris Lewis
Page published 31/05/2016 (§1-4) | §5 added 31/12/2017 | §6 added 18/12/2019