72.012 Euproctis chrysorrhoa (Brown-tail)
fw: m16-20mm f18-19mm; Jul-Aug, occasionally bivoltine Oct; bramble (Rubus fruticosa), hawthorn (Crataegus spp), blackthorn (Prunus spinosa), dog-rose (Rosa canina), sallows (Salix spp); local mainly in coastal scrub from Hampshire to Suffolk, but expanding range west and north from here.
ID: Forewing usually all white, male sometimes has small black marks at tornus; abdomen is white at base with a furry brown apex; male antennae strongly bipectinate, female only slightly so. E.similis (Yellow-tail) differs most obviously in having a yellow abdominal apex; males have black marks at tornus and females occasionally show faint spots here; female has simple antennae. Leucoma salicis (White Satin Moth) has black and white ringed legs.
§1 Leigh-on-sea, Essex; 21/05/2006; male
§2 Foulness, Essex; 06/07/2008; male
§3 Westcliff-on-sea, Essex; 20/06/2011; male
§4 Foulness, Essex; 08/07/2023; male; fw 16.6mm
§5 Foulness, Essex; 08/07/2023; female; fw 18.4mm
§6 Foulness, Essex; 08/07/2023; male; fw 16.3mm
Larvae: Foulness, Essex; 21/05/2006
All images © Chris Lewis
§2 Foulness, Essex; 06/07/2008; male
§3 Westcliff-on-sea, Essex; 20/06/2011; male
§4 Foulness, Essex; 08/07/2023; male; fw 16.6mm
§5 Foulness, Essex; 08/07/2023; female; fw 18.4mm
§6 Foulness, Essex; 08/07/2023; male; fw 16.3mm
Larvae: Foulness, Essex; 21/05/2006
All images © Chris Lewis
Page published 09/03/2015 (§1-3) | §4-6 added 04/10/2023