Subfamily: Nymphalinae (5G 10S)
All British species are in Tribe: Nymphalini
Vanessa (3S)
Aglais (2S)
Nymphalis (3S)
028 Nymphalis antiopa
(Camberwell Beauty) ws: m76-86mm, f78-88mm; scarce migrant with occasional years with >100 British records, mostly Aug-Sep. |
029 Nymphalis polychloros
(Large Tortoiseshell) ws: m68-72mm, f72-75mm; formerly resident in S.England, now a rare migrant with ~150 British records since 1951. |
030 Nymphalis xanthomelas
(Scarce Tortoiseshell) Single record of a migrant 1953 and several records in 2014 and 2015 |