GELECHIIDAE | Gelechiinae | Litini
35.146 Teleiopsis diffinis (Common Groundling)
ws: 14-16mm; May-Oct; sheep's sorrell (Rumex acetosella); common on grassland and heaths throughout UK
ID: Male genitalia - Abdominal S8 divided into separate dorsal and ventral plates; valvae symmetrical, flat with bristles; gnathos simple, straight; posterior margin of vinculum with a broad central process; uncus tapered. Note also that the vinculum is tubular enclosing and attached to the base of the aedeagus.
§1 New Forest, Hampshire; 02/06/2012; fw 8.0mm
§2 New Forest, Hampshire; 02/06/2012; fw 7.6mm §3 New Forest, Hampshire; 03/06/2012; male §4 New Forest, Hampshire; 02/09/2013; male §5 Snettisham, Norfolk; 05/07/2013; female; fw 6.4mm §6 Winterton, Norfolk; 15/05/2015 §7 Portland Bill, Dorset; 09/09/2018; male; fw 6.0mm §8 Dungeness, Kent; 10/06/2019; male; fw 7.3mm §9 Westleton, Suffolk; 03/09/2020; female; fw 5.9mm! All images © Chris Lewis |
§10 ??; 2020; male
§11 Eskmeals dunes, Cumbria; 21/06/2023; female; fw 7.3mm |
Page published 19/01/2013 (§1-3) | §4 added 23/11/2013 | §5 added 14/12/2013 | §6 added 01/04/2016 | §7 added 21/02/2019 |
§8 added 16/02/2020 | §9 added 05/10/2020 | §10 added 08/04/2021 | §11 added 18/12/2023
§8 added 16/02/2020 | §9 added 05/10/2020 | §10 added 08/04/2021 | §11 added 18/12/2023