GEOMETRIDAE | Sterrhinae | Cosymbiini
70.030 Cyclophora pendularia (Dingy Mocha)
fw: 12-14mm (Waring & Townsend); bivoltine May-Jun, Jul-Aug; sallows; RDB Purbeck and New Forest heathland
ID: coarse shading; forewing apex slightly hooked; hindwing termen with a pointed projection. Most similar to dark variants of C.albupunctata (Birch Mocha) which lacks the forewing apical hook and has a less pointed hindwing termen.
Male genitalia: Cyclophora species differ particularly in the size and shape of a saccular spine. In C.pendularia the spine is shallowly curved and relatively short. In C.albipunctata it is strongly curved and almost reaches the valval apex.
Female genitalia:
Male genitalia: Cyclophora species differ particularly in the size and shape of a saccular spine. In C.pendularia the spine is shallowly curved and relatively short. In C.albipunctata it is strongly curved and almost reaches the valval apex.
Female genitalia:
§1 New Forest, Hampshire; 30/05/2023; male; to light
All images © Chris Lewis
All images © Chris Lewis
Page published 01/06/2023 (§1)