49.214 Ancylis badiana (Meadow Hook-wing)
ws: 11-16 (BTM), fw 5-8mm (Sterling & Parsons); bivoltine Apr-Jun, Jul-Aug; vetchlings/sweet pea (Lathyrus spp), vetches (Vicia spp), clovers (Trifolium spp); common throughout GB
ID: There are 6 Ancylis species that show a brown dorso-basal blotch, margined costally and distally by a pale ground colour. In A.obtusana the markings are bright red-brown, in A.unculana they are dark red-brown and in the remaining 4 of these species the markings are dark chocolate-brown. In A.unculana the pale areas are heavily speckled grey-brown. In A.apicella the dorso-basal blotch becomes paler and more diffuse towards the dorsum and the median fascia is weakly marked, while in the remaining 3 species the dorso-basal blotch is 'solid' and the median fascia is well-marked except towards the dorsum. In A.myrtillana the dorso-basal blotch has an emargination in both its costal and distal edges and the ground colour is pale grey. A.badiana and A.paludana are quite similar but can be distinguished by A.paludana (which only occurs in East Anglia) having the median fascia lined distally with white and the presence of 3 or 4 mid-terminal dark brown dots.
§1 Pennyghael, Mull; 17/06/2018; male; fw 6.5mm; to light
§2 New Forest, Hampshire; 14/07/2019; male; fw 6.2mm; to light
§3 Eskadale, Ross & Cromarty; 26/06/2022; female; 6.3mm; to light
All images © Chris Lewis
§2 New Forest, Hampshire; 14/07/2019; male; fw 6.2mm; to light
§3 Eskadale, Ross & Cromarty; 26/06/2022; female; 6.3mm; to light
All images © Chris Lewis
Page published 03/07/2018 (§1) | §2 added 26/02/2020 | §3 added 08/10/2022