Eilema - a provisional key to identification of the 7 British species |
A. Forewing orange, costa angled at 2/3, (flies May-Jun): E.sororcula (Orange Footman)
B. Forewing lead-grey
Thorax yellow or grey with a yellow suffusion: E.depressa f.plumbia (Buff Footman) (hindwing colour?)
Thorax lead grey
Costal stripe well demarcated
Forewings gently arched at rest, ‘collar’ grey: E.lurideola (Common Footman)
Forewings wrapped tightly around body at rest, ‘collar’ orange-yellow
Costal stripe of even width, hindwing straw yellow with little grey suffusion: E.complana (Scarce Footman)
Costal stripe narrows towards forewing apex, hindwing straw yellow with broad costal grey suffusion, peat bogs:
E.complana sericea (Northern Footman)
Costal stripe diffusely demarcated: E.depressa f.plumbia (Buff Footman)
Thorax yellow or grey with a yellow suffusion: E.depressa f.plumbia (Buff Footman) (hindwing colour?)
Thorax lead grey
Costal stripe well demarcated
Forewings gently arched at rest, ‘collar’ grey: E.lurideola (Common Footman)
Forewings wrapped tightly around body at rest, ‘collar’ orange-yellow
Costal stripe of even width, hindwing straw yellow with little grey suffusion: E.complana (Scarce Footman)
Costal stripe narrows towards forewing apex, hindwing straw yellow with broad costal grey suffusion, peat bogs:
E.complana sericea (Northern Footman)
Costal stripe diffusely demarcated: E.depressa f.plumbia (Buff Footman)
C. Forewing pale grey
Thorax contrastingly yellow or pale grey suffused with yellow: E.depressa (Buff Footman)
Thorax pale grey, concolorous with forewing
Fw 10-15mm: E.pygmaeola pygmaeola (Pigmy Footman)
Fw >15mm
Forewing broad, gently arched at rest (hindwing colour?)
Costa smoothly curved, costal stripe fairly well-demarcated (forewing broader): E.griseola (Dingy Footman)
Costa fairly straight in basal 2/3, costal stripe diffusely demarcated (forewing not as broad): E.depressa (Buff Footman)
Forewing tightly wrapped around body at rest, hindwing white: E.caniola (Hoary Footman)
Thorax contrastingly yellow or pale grey suffused with yellow: E.depressa (Buff Footman)
Thorax pale grey, concolorous with forewing
Fw 10-15mm: E.pygmaeola pygmaeola (Pigmy Footman)
Fw >15mm
Forewing broad, gently arched at rest (hindwing colour?)
Costa smoothly curved, costal stripe fairly well-demarcated (forewing broader): E.griseola (Dingy Footman)
Costa fairly straight in basal 2/3, costal stripe diffusely demarcated (forewing not as broad): E.depressa (Buff Footman)
Forewing tightly wrapped around body at rest, hindwing white: E.caniola (Hoary Footman)
D. Forewing pale yellowish
Fw 10-15mm: E.pygmaeola pallifrons (Pigmy Footman)
Fw 15mm+
Costa smoothly curved (forewing broader): E.griseola f.stramineola (Dingy Footman)
Costa fairly straight in basal 2/3 (forewing not as broad): E.depressa f.unicolor (Buff Footman)*
* According to http://www.eakringbirds.com/eakringbirds2/mothsfootman.htm E.depressa f.unicolor has a more curved costa than typical E.depressa making the distinction from E.griseola f.stramineola very difficult – genital dissection may be needed.
Fw 10-15mm: E.pygmaeola pallifrons (Pigmy Footman)
Fw 15mm+
Costa smoothly curved (forewing broader): E.griseola f.stramineola (Dingy Footman)
Costa fairly straight in basal 2/3 (forewing not as broad): E.depressa f.unicolor (Buff Footman)*
* According to http://www.eakringbirds.com/eakringbirds2/mothsfootman.htm E.depressa f.unicolor has a more curved costa than typical E.depressa making the distinction from E.griseola f.stramineola very difficult – genital dissection may be needed.