Glossary, abbreviations and references
Aedeagus - male copulatory organ ~"penis"
Anellus - a funnel-like cone from which the aedeagus protrudes (As far as I can establish - the anellus is either equivalent to or formed from the juxta, so that anellus lobes and juxta lobes are two terms for the same structures)
BBI: Butterflies of Britain and Ireland, Easterbrook, 2010
BC: bursa copulatrix
BTM: British Tortricoid Moths; Bradley & Tremewan; 1973
Bursa copulatrix: ductus bursae + corpus bursae
Calcar: a central projection from the anellus (formed from fusion of anellus lobes), found in some Geometridae (eg Xanthorhoini)
CB: corpus bursae
CBG: Collins Butterfly Guide, Tolman & Lewington, 2008
Coremata: paired bundle of long hair-like scales at base of tergite 8
Corpus bursae: sac at the end of DB which receives sperm during copulation
Cuiller: distal process of sacculus
DB: Ductus bursae
Ductus bursae: tube connecting OB to CB
fascia: a band crossing a wing
fw: forewing
furca: a central projection from the sacculi, which may be fused (Geometridae)
Homoneurous: forewing venation similar to hindwing venation.
hw: hindwing
Juxta: Sclerotised plate supporting the aedeagus ventrally
Juxta lobes: Pair of lobes arising from the juxta. Sometimes only the lobes are sclerotised the central portion being membranous.
Labides: paired centrally fused structure arising from junction of transtilla and costa of male genitalia in some Geometridae (Operophterini, Perizomini)
Manica: an eversible membranous tube attaching a retractile aedeagus to the anellus
MBGBI: The Moths and Butterflies of Great Britain and Ireland; Heath et al. Volume number is given in references eg MBGBI1
NS: Nationally scarce (occurring in <100 10km squares of the national grid)
OB: Ostium bursae
Ostium bursae: copulatory opening in female genitalia
pRDB: proposed for addition to red data book
Pierce: The Genitalia of the Geometridae, 1914
Pierce & Metcalfe: The Genitalia of the British Tortricidae, 1922
RDB: Red Data Book - Nationally endangered, vulnerable or rare
RES: Royal Entomological Society
RES Checklist: Checklist of the Lepidoptera of the British Isles, Agassiz, Bevan & Heckford, 2013
S8: Abdominal segment 8
Signum (pl. signa): a thorn-like structure within the BC
Sterling & Parsons: Field Guide to the Micromoths of Great Britain and Ireland, 2012
Strigulae: A pattern of light and dark markings at the wing margin (notably the costa of subfamily: Olethreutinae of family: Tortricidae)
Tectiform: 'roof-like' - refers to a resting position with the dorsum of the wings pressed together over the body and the costae on the substrate.
Transtilla: A sclerotised bridge between the bases of the valvae (arising from the dorsal corner) dorsally over the aedeagus. The sclerotisation may be interrupted centrally in which case the transtilla appears as paired valve processes.
Valvula: portion of the valva between or distal to the costa and the sacculus (ususally fused with and not distinguishable from the costa)
Waring: Field Guide to the Moths of Great Britain and Ireland, Waring, Townsend and Lewington 2003 ISBN 0 9531399 2 1
Anellus - a funnel-like cone from which the aedeagus protrudes (As far as I can establish - the anellus is either equivalent to or formed from the juxta, so that anellus lobes and juxta lobes are two terms for the same structures)
BBI: Butterflies of Britain and Ireland, Easterbrook, 2010
BC: bursa copulatrix
BTM: British Tortricoid Moths; Bradley & Tremewan; 1973
Bursa copulatrix: ductus bursae + corpus bursae
Calcar: a central projection from the anellus (formed from fusion of anellus lobes), found in some Geometridae (eg Xanthorhoini)
CB: corpus bursae
CBG: Collins Butterfly Guide, Tolman & Lewington, 2008
Coremata: paired bundle of long hair-like scales at base of tergite 8
Corpus bursae: sac at the end of DB which receives sperm during copulation
Cuiller: distal process of sacculus
DB: Ductus bursae
Ductus bursae: tube connecting OB to CB
fascia: a band crossing a wing
fw: forewing
furca: a central projection from the sacculi, which may be fused (Geometridae)
Homoneurous: forewing venation similar to hindwing venation.
hw: hindwing
Juxta: Sclerotised plate supporting the aedeagus ventrally
Juxta lobes: Pair of lobes arising from the juxta. Sometimes only the lobes are sclerotised the central portion being membranous.
Labides: paired centrally fused structure arising from junction of transtilla and costa of male genitalia in some Geometridae (Operophterini, Perizomini)
Manica: an eversible membranous tube attaching a retractile aedeagus to the anellus
MBGBI: The Moths and Butterflies of Great Britain and Ireland; Heath et al. Volume number is given in references eg MBGBI1
NS: Nationally scarce (occurring in <100 10km squares of the national grid)
OB: Ostium bursae
Ostium bursae: copulatory opening in female genitalia
pRDB: proposed for addition to red data book
Pierce: The Genitalia of the Geometridae, 1914
Pierce & Metcalfe: The Genitalia of the British Tortricidae, 1922
RDB: Red Data Book - Nationally endangered, vulnerable or rare
RES: Royal Entomological Society
RES Checklist: Checklist of the Lepidoptera of the British Isles, Agassiz, Bevan & Heckford, 2013
S8: Abdominal segment 8
Signum (pl. signa): a thorn-like structure within the BC
Sterling & Parsons: Field Guide to the Micromoths of Great Britain and Ireland, 2012
Strigulae: A pattern of light and dark markings at the wing margin (notably the costa of subfamily: Olethreutinae of family: Tortricidae)
Tectiform: 'roof-like' - refers to a resting position with the dorsum of the wings pressed together over the body and the costae on the substrate.
Transtilla: A sclerotised bridge between the bases of the valvae (arising from the dorsal corner) dorsally over the aedeagus. The sclerotisation may be interrupted centrally in which case the transtilla appears as paired valve processes.
Valvula: portion of the valva between or distal to the costa and the sacculus (ususally fused with and not distinguishable from the costa)
Waring: Field Guide to the Moths of Great Britain and Ireland, Waring, Townsend and Lewington 2003 ISBN 0 9531399 2 1