49.183 Lobesia abscisana (Thistle Marble)
ws: 10-13mm; bivoltine May-Jun, Jul-Aug; creeping thistle (Cirsium arvense); fairly common in S&SE England, more local elsewhere in England and Wales
ID: Characterised by the brown markings. There is some variation in extent of grey suffusion of the white ground colour. Piniphila bifasciana is somewhat similar but it has a pale ochreous subterminal area rather than the well-developed brown subterminal fascia of L.abscisana. The white band of ground colour between basal patch and median fascia is also much narrower in L.abscisana than in P.bifasciana
§1 Foulness, Essex; 01/07/2007; fw 6.2mm
§2 Foulness, Essex; 20/07/2008 §3 Foulness, Essex; 04/07/2010 §4 Ham Fen, Kent; 16/07/2010; male; fw 6.0mm §5 Foulness, Essex; 04/09/2011; fw 5.9mm §6 Foulness, Essex; 04/07/2010 §7 Foulness, Essex; 02/09/2012; male §8 Foulness, Essex; 05/08/2012; male §9 Foulness, Essex; 26/08/2017; fw 5.4mm; to light All images © Chris Lewis |
§10 Westcliff-on-sea, Essex; 04/07/2018; female; fw 6.2mm
§11 Sutton Fen, Norfolk; 11/07/2022 |
Page published 08/01/2013 (§1-7) | §8 added 05/02/2013 | §9 added 15/11/2017 | §10 added 25/04/2019 | §11 added 18/12/2022